**Pattern Name:** Integrated VSM Sofi and Linkage Maps
**Introduction:** There are three powerful models for diagnosing and managing organizations. Most consultants use none or only one of these models. Here they have been integrated without losing any of their individual powers.
**CONTEXT:** Even small organizations are very complex.
Different people have responsibility for the different functions of the organization.
Usually, no one can see the whole system that is the organization.
Visual models allow people to point and know they are talking about the same things.
Colored models allow people to compare their assessments and have, what up to that point, have been missing conversations.
Social (human) organizations are primarily conversational systems managing technical (material) subsystems.
**Models limited to parts lead to optimization of the parts with resulting suboptimization of the whole system.**
**Diverse organizational models that don't fit together confuse users and miss opportunities for seeing the whole organization.**
Time pressure. Fear of embarrassment. Inadequate tools for task. "Internal" competition.
**THEREFORE (SOLUTION):** **Don't leave the integration to the users. Provide completely integrated models whenever possible.**
Open and print Integrated Model PDF ]
_(Import the PDF into Miro and use colored sticky notes if you like.)_
Use colored markers to record your current assessment of each circle. Write comments on page.
Ask another person familiar with the organization to do the same exercise.
Compare colored diagrams.
Focus on the parts of the organization where you have influence.
Find others with different areas of influence to help.
Make plans and take action based upon what you have just learned about the organization.
**Consequences:** The whole system is now discussable. Multiple perspectives will improve the performance of the organization.
**Known Uses:** Only Chris Casillas has had access to this integration.