**Pattern Name:**
Sofi Model
The best way of finding the missing conversations!
See Arrows diagram
Sofi is an empirically derived model of how organizations actually work. It has been used privately and successfully for decades in many settings and countries. It is virtually unknown because of how tightly the intellectual property was held and how limited the public access and experience has been.
This model was derived from narrative analysis from interviews of employees when asked the open ended question: "What is going on here?" Almost all of the responses fit within the eleven domains and the connections among them.
**Organizations are complex social phenomena which are created and managed in conversations. **
**Too often essential conversations never happen, or tragically happen too late.**
**Use Sofi to find the missing conversations before it is too late.**
Print out this PDF and share with a peer.
Use colored markers to make assessments of the circled functions.
Next mark the at risk connections with a red pen.
Then compare your colored diagram with your peer's.
Talk about the differences.
Find influential staff who can take action on the critical areas.
**Known Uses:**
**CONNECTED PATTERNS:** **Supported Patterns:**