**Pattern Name:** Culture _(pattern under development, feel free to help)_
**Introduction:** Culture has a long wave length. One is well advised to work within a culture rather than against it.
Two Cultures
Human principles emerge from and align with culture. They cannot be imposed. Imposed principles are inauthentic and increase the divide between espoused theory and theory-in-use. This results in cynicism and corruption. Motives emerge from cultures. Motives are the "hidden variables" in many socio-politico-technical systems.
**Initial Situation:** Innovators want to get going before they have understood the culture. There is often a sense of urgency. (Bonfires vs Campfires)
**PROBLEM:** Culture enables or inhibits creative cooperation.
Enthusiastic locals frequently don't account for the power of cultures in their own locale.
Outsiders seldom understand local cultures.
**Forces:** -Urgency -Commitments made without understanding the cultures at play. -Invasion -Extraction -Dumping
**THEREFORE (SOLUTION):** Ensure the culture matches the approach to local creativity. This most often requires adapting the approach to the culture or working with existing subcultures needed for prosocial creativity.
**Known Uses:** -Subversion -Genocide -Displacement =Subjugation -Collaboration -Coordination -Cooperation -Co-Design -Co Identification
**Important Know-How:**
**CONNECTED PATTERNS:** **Supported Patterns:** **Supporting Patterns:**