**Pattern Name:**
If you can personally **observe a system** you are better able manage it. If you can **talk face-to-face** you are better able understand one another.
In our neighborhoods we have largely forgotten how to take care of each other, how to grow our own food, how to build our own houses, how to protect each other, how to educate our children and one another, how to work together for and with people we know, how to care for our elders and children and less fortunate ones, how to be healthy, how to take care of our place on the earth.
**Our world has gone too far toward globalization, toward remote control, toward "one size fits all", toward experts know best, toward dependence on faceless decisionmakers.**
**We can return to our locales, our places on earth and cooperate in order to take care of ourselves and our shared sacred places.**
**Make it easier for people to make more decision close to home.**
**Make it easier for people to make more of their own goods and services close to home.**
Thinking together, acting together creatively we can relocalize everything important to us. _(Pick from the list below or create your own domain for your relocalization._
Less existential anxiety. More local capability. Stronger community.
**Known Uses:**
Domains for Relocalization (Actions)
* [ ] ReLocalize Justice
* [x] ReLocalize Cooperatives
* [ ] **Localize Land Trusts**
* [ ] **ReLocalize Land Ownership**
* [x] **ReLocalize Creativity**
* [x] **ReLocalize Education**
* [x] **ReLocalize Governing**
* [x] ReLocalize Real Estate (land ownership)
* [x] **ReLocalize Farming**
* [x] ReLocalize Business
* [ ] ReLocalize Conflict
* [ ] ReLocalize Conversation
* [x] Localize Leadership
* [ ] ReLocalize Ethics
* [ ] ReLocalize Art
* [ ] ReLocalize Democracy
* [ ] ReLocalize Action
* [x] **ReLocalize Columbia Valley**
* [x] **ReLocalize Superior, AZ**
* [x] **ReLocalize Education**
* [x] **ReLocalize Journalism**
* [x] **ReLocalize Wellbeing**
* [x] **ReLocalize Health**
* [x] ReLocalize Medical Care
* [x] ReLocalize Power
* [ ] ReLocalize Productivity
* [ ] ReLocalize Finance
* [ ] ReLocalize Money
* [ ] ReLocalize Banking
* [ ] ReLocalize Investment
* [ ] ReLocalize Agriculture
* [x] ReLocalize Freedom
* [x] ReLocalize Participation
* [x] ReLocalize Solidarity
* [x] ReLocalize the Internet (Intranets)
* [ ] ReLocalize ReGeneration