Variables Experience

The dominoes are the components in the system. In System Dynamics we call these components "Variables".

A variable must be capable of variation ie increasing and decreasing in value.

Usually formulated as nouns or noun-phrases

Need to be very specific....

Q: What variables can you see in this/your room?

Responses: No of chairs, No of people, (things they can see)

Q: What about the things we can't see?

Responses: Temperature, Quantity of Oxygen, Intensity of light etc

Observe that these are things that can be measured objectively by man made instruments.

Q: What about the things inside you?

Responses: Feelings, emotions, motivation

Observe that these have a massive impact on systems. They are the hidden variables which make the difference.

Q: What variables can you see in your simple map (from the morning session)? NB KT to see maps and identify some....