ReLocalize Governance

**Pattern Name:** ReLocalize Governance

**Introduction:** Decision making from outside cannot possibly match the needs and desires of the community.

**CONTEXT:** The original intent of the founders of the United States is at risk. Of course in the 1700's the population in America was very small compared with today. The rate of change was less than in the 21 century. HEIGHT 400 Wikipedia

**PROBLEM:** Citizens do not know how to effectively participate in local dedision-making (governance).


**THEREFORE (SOLUTION):** Each neighborhood can See the Systems that are making their decisions. Then they can change the decision-making processes.

**Actions:** * [ ] Visualize the current decision-making processes. * [ ] Visualize the desired decision-making processes. * [ ] Begin creating what you desire.

**Consequences:** Neighborhoods will relocalize many aspects of neighborhood life that have been outsourced.

**Known Uses:** Slow movement etc. etc. Collective Action, Ostrom