
**Pattern Name:** ReBalance

**Introduction:** Balance is the prerequisite of all graceful movement and behavior.

Aikido Sensei

**Illustration:** Balance without movement is poise.



Biologically and physiologically fear leads quickly to loss of balance. Fear tries to stop time, slow time, or speed up time. Each and all such attempts are impossible and therefore unbalancing.

Joy allows playfulness and graceful movement in each moment. Joy is more than the lack of fear, but awareness of our muscles and our stories sometimes allows us to relax and shift to joy and play.


Without balance we show up awkward and constrained. As a result things don't go as we wish.


Rebalance, "regain" balance as often as needed.

The loss of balance comes from two sources: 1. The world shifts and we do not keep up, and 2. We hold ourselves apart.

We have two ways of rebalancing ourselves. 1. Withdraw gracefully from situations we are currently incapable of moving within. 2. Relax our muscles. Use our muscles for one purpose--rebalancing, literally keeping our center of gravity between our feet as we move.

**Actions:** Be aware of our movement and our **muscles**.

In each moment, be more aware of the **story** we are living within.

**Turn toward** the story. Face it. Only then do we have the choice to move with it.

When faced, false stories, as in the practice of Aikido, will fall apart their own.

**See the system** and our way of being within the system.